Our second night he saw us heading back to the hotel and asked me to come play more videos for his patrons. Emil and I both went over together and I played as many videos as I could. I tried to mix it up with other ensembles and solo artists like Kiriku Handbell Ensemble and Michèle Sharik.
Later that night I found out that his name is Toshio despite that we all still call him Hobby. His patrons loved our videos and I learned that one lady plays cello, like Emil and another gentleman plays trumpet, like me! Seemed fitting that we were the two who went over. Toshio found me on Facebook and he said he would definitely come to our concert the next day.
After a job well done we made our way back to the hotel and who does Michèle see? Toshio! He walks up to us and thanks us for a wonderful concert. He said that hearing the music live was much better than listening and watching youtube videos. Well DUH! ;-) So this time Michèle, Emil and I go together to Hobby's Bar and we played MORE music for Toshio and his bartender. He had our Sonos concert posters FRAMED! TWICE!
Toshio even went out and bought a fancy poster board type thing for us to sign! Sadly not all the Sonosians were there, not that'd we'd all fit in his 5 seat bar....Michèle wrote, "Arigato from Sonos Handbell Ensemble", and the three of us signed it. And immediately it went up on a shelf for everyone to see.
How cool is that? Foreigners come into town and immediately a local practically falls in love with us, plays our music in his bar and comes to our concert. Nothing like walking down a small alley in a foreign country and hearing your own music emitting from the walls.
Toshio, thank you for inviting us into your bar and showing us a good time! I wish your new bar much success!
Thank you for introducing by Toshio