Friday, December 7, 2012

Yay for Sonos Spouses!

I really appreciate all the people who help to support us on our tours.  But I especially want to thank all the Sonos Spouses.  We just really wouldn't be able to accomplish all that we do without them.

Thanks to Brian Pituley, John Wanless,  and Tracey Meinke for giving all their love and support to Michèle, Gretchen and Barbara, so that they are able to be here with us on this tour.

Thanks to Warren TenBrook, Jan Woldseth and David Kail for all the love and support that they give to Patti, Cheryl and Lois.  And for joining us on our tour!  We really appreciate all you help with loading equipment, keeping us on schedule, and keeping us calm!

Thanks to Jason and Diane for supporting each other and being valued members of our ensemble.

I know there are other important people, of the non-spousal kind, in the lives of our other members (Jim, Marquise, Joe, Sunghee and Emil).  Thanks for all the support given to them as well.

But my really special thanks goes to my husband, Brian Houston!  I really couldn't have done anything without him.  He keeps me going when I feel overwhelmed. He keeps me calm when I'm freaking out!  He always says to me, "Today is going to be a great day!" And he means it (he's almost always right). He helped us to move equipment from Oakland to Walnut Creek and then to the airport.  He is an invaluable and indispensable part of of my life.  I'm missing him being here, but I know he's sending all those good and positive thoughts our way, I can feel it.  Brian - you're right!  Today's a great day!


  1. Hurray for our spouses, partners, and other helpers!

  2. Today is going to be a great day!
    (something about the power of positive thinking).. :-)
